What does it smell like? – Omnia Crystalline by Bvlgari

The bvlgari perfumes are viewed with admiration and as examples of much avant-garde since they began to be launched on the market, one of which has better presence Among the fans of this brand’s perfumes is the Omnia Crystalline, a perfume that just by looking at it already means purity, style and the distant future.

Counting among other notes with the lotus flower, tea and guaiac wood, its aroma is very aquatic, full of also marine flowers that have not left anyone indifferent and that we are going to analyze for you in this article. If you are ready for a fragrance modern with a perfect and pure soul, so he Omnia Crystalline it is your best choice.

Omnia Crystalline by Bvlgari

Omnia Crystalline by Bvlgari

A pure perfume

With the Omnia Crystalline There are no half measures, it is what it is and it does not hide between notes, in fact, its family is one of those that best defines that of not separating at all from its essence, its aroma has nothing that you have seen before and is demonstrated by course with what it means to be a pure woman.

The first thing that will stand out from the essence of this perfume is the purity that it has to give you in all its possible angles, this because it has joined all its aroma to flowers that precisely represent this and have all the good of humanity with them by their side.

Stand out from Omnia Crystalline the fact of being a perfume that symbolizes from beginning to end all the positive values ​​that a woman will have throughout her life whenever she proposes it, so it is a perfume with deity characteristics and that you will not have to worry about showing off clean, since your notes will do it for you.

Remote brightness

Being the perfume with more glitter by Bvlgari It is a complete and absolute luxury, something that was committed to hiring Alberto Morillas for its design, so that all the aroma that this perfume has dazzles everyone, without necessarily looking for it, because it catches with a scent that Has a life of its own and that stands out a lot.

The fact is that the Omnia Crystalline it is a scent that we recommend you use in the mornings, since its aesthetics and its own context are close to the maximum brightness and the wishes that you have to fulfill, but always with your feet on the ground.

As a curious detail, highlight your bottle in white and in the shape of a clock that marks the passage of time in an aroma that is ahead of its time, that does not skimp on anything other than the advancement and progress of humanity, and boy will you like it if you are in a hurry in life and do not have the time to stop you, always stepping on the accelerator, so this aroma can also be defined.

Great value Italian style

The fact that Alberto Morillas has designed this perfume is not indicative that he has proposed such a Spanish or Latin style, rather he has adapted to all the trends that were commissioned and designed a perfume that has everything of Mediterranean, or rather, a Italian perfume.

The style It is of great value for all those women who want to look perfect and given to be seen with admiration, as this will be one of the first details that has the aroma of the Omnia Crystalline and that you will love it in any position.

It is interesting to note that the aroma of this perfume has a making delicate and with notes that highlight what they have to highlight. So you have to let yourself be felt by a scent that is not lacking in presence, rather it highlights the style of a classy woman.

Travel inspiration

The designer of this perfume opted for the notes collection that they had a lot to do with travel, and if in the previous section we warned you of a stylish essence and a way of seeing yourself with great class, because in this section its content has to do with great trips to different latitudes.

When it was released in 2003, I was quite pleased that this perfume was largely a mix between oriental and european. It has a really historical cut, which goes towards the Middle East and look for the best that this space has to provide you with those touches of adventure and passion.

Although in the same way will invite you to leave your house to make you part of the most diverse adventures that you have wanted to experience around the world. It is a perfume really made for travelers because has a moderate longevity that it does not cling to anything, but rather remains what it has to be and then it will leave your skin.

Same for his soft wake that gets lost and doesn’t leave much to glimpse when you sit somewhere you first arrive.

A fragrance like no other

It is not risky to think that the scent of Omnia Crystalline is one of the most prominent in the world for part Bvlgari and this has a lot to do with a mix between different worlds and that The Aquatic Floral Olfactory Family for Women has been able to portray perfectly.

Be a perfume very fresh, made for adventure and that has first notes of bamboo and pear. These are the ones that first add a fruity appearance and with good sweetness, so we want to mention that the Omnia Crystalline has some other moment that reminds the fruits of Africa.

The moment of the sea already has to do with the lotus flower, tea and cassia. This particular trio makes their scent I know first turn too fresh, then with that smell of the sea that enchants those who want to spend a good time at sea from port to port, it is an experience liberating, It doesn’t tie up, but it doesn’t go too fast either.

We end with notes of guaiac wood, musk and oak moss. These are the ones that give your skin moist moments and with a lot of character thanks to the fact that its aroma has elements that firm and determined woman for everything he does in life.

We are facing a perfume that does not lack intense moments, rather it promotes them, but outside your city, always towards other latitudes as a result of its most diverse elements that make up its notes, all the work of Alberto Morillas.

Asia Sales Leader

It is surprising that a perfume like this one that is European has such a presence in Asian countries where the aromas of its lineage generally dominate, however, the Omnia Crystalline It is that perfume that gave much to talk about and also continues to be among the highest indexes of perfumes sold in Japan or China.

This has a lot to do with the ideology of its aroma, which is a Oriental With not a few elements of the sea, in fact it is what makes up his family everywhere and means value whenever necessary.

The case of South Korea It is also striking, since it is a perfume that has sold too well in its borders, all because as we have mentioned, it has a marked Asian essence.

Don’t forget the 90s

The perfume designer never forgot that he had to design an even atypical scent to make an impact, and the elements present in its scent they remind a lot of the 90s, a time when everything was new and taking risks towards the future.

This perfume for such could not be left out of this and powerfully draws the attention that your olfactory family is totally related to the sea, just as it happened with great exponents of the last decade of the 20th century in which possibilities began to appear in aquatic form for perfumes.

A very intense summer

What about this perfume also happens because it’s used on summer, which is the best time when you have to take its famous white bottle in the shape of a paralyzed clock, so we recommend that in addition to using it for its freshness, you do it for its experience.

Invites you with intense notes to be a scent meant to be carried for the best possible trips, which have to be carried out with perfumes like this, always thinking ahead.

Final Considerations

What of Omnia Crystalline It is incredible, it is a perfume that is not a bit outdated, however, its essence will remind you of the first perfumes of the 90s, with a lot of humidity and water as a great additive.

Always with a mix between the European and the Asian, this is how this perfume is so risky that it will fascinate you for an ideal amount of intense moments, but free, do not stop buying it and go on the trip.

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