What does it smell like? – Bright Crystal by Versace

The mark of the jellyfish, as it is also known to Versace, is one of the they manage to dominate the market for the exquisite fragrances and this is demonstrated from the first contact with the Bright Crystal, a scent that has all the hallmarks of the brand.

Accompanied by some notes from peony, musk, mahogany and amber, among others, its aroma so feminine It is a pleasant sample that the refined and natural smells they are too much appreciated today. Do not stay without knowing more about this perfectly made perfume.

The freshness and relaxation of Versace

One of the most outstanding features by Versace throughout its life as a fashion emporium in the world is that it makes you feel differently, in a way that is not necessarily what you will be used to, but that you will still like sooner or later, such is the case of Bright Crystal, a perfume that they decided to launch in full 2006 and that belongs to the Floral Fruity olfactory family for women.

Starting from these two families and with Alberto morillas As a designer, something special awaits you inside its extremely feminine bottle. This designer provided the necessary touches (and touches) to be able to make you feel very good at all times with yourself, even if you are not in your comfort zone.

This is accurate because first of all, the Bright crystal it’s an aroma pretty cool, which will be demonstrated from that first moment when you uncover it and put it on your body. This has been made possible by a union of elements where above all the flowers are highlighted and they will have no problems in possibly giving you all those touches that you require during the day to get to the night feeling so wake up like the first minute.

Anyway, fruits and berries that are found throughout its interior are the causes that its aroma can be sensed quite relaxing for you all day long. You will love to know above all that its aroma is too spontaneous and what does that do relax any environment. Their presence does not bother you and it gives you time to enjoy each occasion properly.

Sensual elegance

Versace has not lost its touch either since it was founded as a brand and this has been used above all by Alberto morillas, who is a perfumer who identifies a lot with this brand and does so knowing that it is an aroma that always has to adhere to the style of this Italian firm.

The end result in context is that of a scent that is very feminine, is a perfume that has all the elements to magnify women from elegance and sensuality more striking. This is achieved to be able to give you a very marked influence on any type of terrain and boy, there is no problem in achieving it.

The elegance Thanks to its well-chosen and quality notes, it is what also makes the perfume in question quite respected by all women, but also by all men, making them not see you as an object, but as a female figure. to which they should give all the greatest possible respect.

If we touch on the subject of sensuality, the aroma of Bright crystal He is very attached to this, since the designer’s hand is very noticeable for its elements so loaded with well-kept eroticism and that will not make you look like a girl without respect, but beautiful from the moment you arrive anywhere.

The best thing about this scent is that you will be able to enjoy a scent both beautiful and coveted thanks to the fact that the designer is nothing more and nothing less than Alberto Morillas.

Hot as passion

If something has this perfume, it is burning, it will manage to influence you with its inner warmth no matter how much you do not want and gives it the qualifier of passionate to a scent that is here to stay since the middle of the first decade of the new millennium.

The notes that this perfume has, which have been composed mostly by elements very natural, are precisely the ones that have made their aroma hot, but not uncomfortable, but rather a hot than very tasty, especially long lasting and that will bring out all your passion.

In turn, the Bright crystal is the perfect perfume to be able to give you your place in winter, because it will bring out that cold at all times that may bother you a little, but with this perfume it will gradually go away comfortably.

Everything in this perfume has to do with passion and that is why it came to revolutionize the cold emotions that occur in winter and on which an icy feeling is built. But there is nothing that cannot be devoured by the warmth of this perfume that by the way loves to stay on your skin for a long time.

With a lasting longevity, This perfume is the kind that stays with you for a long time and gives it an interesting confection. his heavy wake It is the icing on the cake where you have to make yourself stand out yes or yes since you try it for the first time, for all the elements that we will be touching.

Feminine scent … And more

Many were the women who thought that it was just a feminine perfume, although this is very far from reality, because with the Bright crystal you will have many aromas in one, although the style remains the same as it has always been.

Include this perfume with a series of notes that can give you both freshness and intense heat. But he never strays from a aroma of the sea, this because they included some notes of yuzu, pomegranate and aquatic notes. It is in this part of its aromatic compass that the perfume in question can be perceived as independent due to that scent of the sea that you will love. A perfume like this shines right now and gives you wings so you can feel total comfort with notes like this.

On the other hand, if we take into account that it has notes such as the lotus flower, peony or musk, we will be before a warm scent and durable that feels very to nature of character. With these notes the perfume has above all presence, you will be able to feel very in the company of nature to give you security. That is why at this point there is no aroma that stands out, but rather that aromatic touch of nature.

It also includes mahogany and amber, and an interesting panorama is presented to you from every point of view, since it feels with a lot of smell of humid forest, which makes this perfume a hundred moments where this moisture is with you. Everything that refers to this as pine trees and a strong presence of wood that more than being too strong, it gives character to your feminine essence.

Glamor above all

This perfume is the one that has to be used above all for highlight the glamor, being a fragrance made by Versace It has that Italian stamp that no woman can let go of and that always gives it an air of superiority like no other perfume.

All the choice of notes between elegant, warm and above all with personality, It is what has made it a highly suitable perfume for you to go to events, parties and even important meetings with this perfume between your skin, one of the most remarkable without a doubt.

Remember that it cannot be a perfume that you use on ordinary days, it must be a fragrance that you wear in those moments when you need the best of the best to go out.

Final Considerations

If you want any scent, visit any brand other than Versace, If you want the best, then this is your company and your perfume, the Bright crystal It has everything you are looking for to not only surprise, but also to stand out as a first world woman.

We are before the hot perfume par excellence of this Italian firm under which you will also have that luxury of being able to feel feminine, all the work of a designer of high stature like Alberto morillas and that it was brought exclusively for you.

Strong notes, we make it clear, but they know how to compose the essence of a woman in a special way so that she never loses that I touched Italian and elegant, the biggest signs of identity you have to possess.

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