Top 5 Lancôme Perfumes For Men

Lancôme counts as one of those fashion brands that have endured over time despite the birth of more new companies than the years this French company has been founded in 1935 .

The experience that this brand has is vast and they have known how to establish their own style despite how varied the fashion market must be today. It has stood out not only for knowing how to highlight sensuality but also for making men shine under the aura of elegance, sagacity and cunning elements that have characterized this very fine-cut, glamorous company ever since.

Therefore, his line of perfumes will seduce you as if it were a girl to make you be that ideal man who does not lose the good customs and traditional values, we present the 5 Best Lancôme Perfumes for Men:


1. Hypnôse Homme de Lancôme

Top 5 Lancôme Perfumes For Men

The strength of leadership and control is a characteristic trait of men who change the planet. The Hypnôse Homme Lancôme is a prime example of this type of behavior and even the faces best known of the world of the show are part of those who use this perfume.

Now, with this perfume you will have a very strong presence on any stage, as a coup of authority this is noticeable in large part thanks to its long-lasting longevity and a heavy trail.

In other words, the fragrance designed for this perfume, in addition to having a lot of presence, makes you feel like a leader, someone who can give orders that require a lot of courage, but that taken by you seem like a no brainer. It is not surprising that this perfume is used by people in high positions such as country presidents, technical directors of teams or cinema . It is composed of notes of mandarin, patchouli, amber, musk, lavender, mint, and bergamot.

It is worth noting that it has an ideal disposition for the summer due to the presence of mint in its notes that gives it good freshness.


2. Miracle Homme by Lancôme

You have to reach your goals at any cost, that is one of the greatest ambitions in the life of every man, something that you can achieve without losing your hair with the Miracle Homme by Lancôme a fragrance that has everything you need to achieve that. you sit on the highest cusp of confidence.

To use a perfume like Miracle Homme, you must be a man with enough willpower made for extreme situations, just as you are, enjoying the danger but coming out unscathed.

It is within the conception of this perfume that it is presented with enough prudence , it is quite soft with its soft trail. But it is not entirely saved due to its long-lasting longevity.

The perfume is made with many notes, being a perfect combination especially for spring. These are made of coffee, cedar, mahogany, vetiver, maple, bell pepper and oak moss all of the most masculine notes that can be found in a selection of this French perfume brand.



3. Oud Bouquet Eau de Parfum by Lancôme

Luxury and detail come crafted with the Lancôme Oud Bouquet Eau de Parfum. This was launched in 2014 a year of great movement for this French company in terms of successes and that was reaffirmed with a perfume like this.

It contains an essence that lends itself above all to attract women of the finest tastes, being that it must be worn with a very elegant dress something that is undoubtedly majestic in the fall , becoming perfect for those appointments important that you must have insured.

The Oud Bouquet Eau de Parfum has been arranged with a delicate seduction facet, especially so that you don’t overwhelm your partner on duty. For this, a fragrance with notes of saffron, vanilla, oud wood and rose has been designed quite soft elements that combined give a feeling of tenderness and this in a man gives a lot to talk about on the part of the female sector.

Where it does not hide absolutely is in its longevity that it is very durable and in its enormous wake details so that you do not disappear from anywhere.



4. Balafre from Lancôme

Do not be surprised, be you who comes up with the most seductive plans so that your partner does not get bored of you, the Balafre de Lancôme has to offer this and much more with its summer explosiveness .

The advertising campaign for this perfume itself has a certain aura of mystery, showing that its intention is to make you feel in a dark room to experiment with everything you want and is within your reach.

A perfume like Balafre has the ideal time of use at night, which gives you from every point of view what you need to stand out in those moments where the tension has to rise in an exaggerated way to achieve the maximum climax.

Gerard Goupy who designed this perfume, included notes of geranium, oak, vetiver, carnation, chamomile and lavender for a preparation that is most seductive, mysterious and full of somewhat dark, but attractive characteristics. Just as its longevity is moderate, so is its scent although you’ll feel like you have it on all night.


5. Trophee de Lancôme

As a prize that comes to you to take over your perception comes the Trophee a fragrance with a certain sporty air where competition in any area of ​​life reveals what really makes a successful man.

It will give you what you need to feel like a total winner in any discipline of life, such as sports, business, the arts and more.

It is presented as a fragrance full of sparkle, totally perfect to achieve that successful men’s effect that women seek at all times. The Trophee has become a very valuable perfume since its launch in 1982 because even today it proves to be more active than ever, it is composed of notes of oak moss, amber, tonka bean, lavender and jasmine that give it a touch very fresh citrus for the summer.

The perfume itself has a fairly moderate longevity that is coupled with its heavy scent .

The feeling of this perfume is quite manly, a value of abysmal characteristics you will have inside you and that you will not be able to avoid, you will have to let yourself be enveloped by it until you are the best version of yourself at every step you take in this new world so modern and full of competition.


Final Considerations

Lancome designs perfumes for the most successful, those men seen on magazine covers or on television. It has high frequencies that will give you that value you need to bring out the best of you, to give that extra potential that is required for you to excel in any aspect of life.

Five perfumes that you should try are those seen in this article, five reasons why you don’t just read them, try them and be part of this experience!

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